What to Wear When You Have COVID??!!

Sol Reflection

Last week my family had COVID. We got lucky cause the baby was asymptomatic and Adam & I had mild symptoms. YAY easy antibodies! Being in charge of an asymptomatic but COVID-positive baby while also trying to work meant Adam and I had very little time to think about what to wear. There are two … Read More

Can You Live Up to the Hype?

Sol Reflection

Almost everywhere I go people expect me to look fun and stylish because of things they’ve seen me wear before and because of my job. But that kind of pressure could be just that…stress and pressure. Pressure to look good all the time and pressure to keep one-upping myself with what I wear. So how … Read More

It Feels Good to Get Out!

Sol Reflection

I took TWO trips this spring! One to Miami with a bestie and one to a BIG family wedding which turned out to be the Met Gala of weddings. Between considering it our public service, being pregnant and having a baby under one, we’d been super conservative with our exposure during the pandemic. But now, … Read More

Dopamine Dressing

Sol Reflection

“If we’re able to see ourselves in a way that creates a positive emotion, perhaps we will engage less in negative thinking about ourselves and feel less need to compare ourselves to others.” — JENNIFER PFEUFFER, PSYD It’s no surprise that a lot of people are having a hard time knowing what to wear in … Read More

I Give You Permission To…

Sol Reflection

I give you permission to… WEAR WHAT YOU WANT. Last week I talked about giving my clients permission to wear what they want, when they want, no exceptions. The rules you’re following are NOT yours. I promise. You THINK you’re making the rules because they support likes and dislikes you have about your body. Or … Read More

What’s YOUR Birthday ‘Fit?

Sol Reflection

I need to brag on my clients for a minute. Many of you all come to me with a little bit of self-doubt and a lot-a-bit of style! You may not be sure about your style, but let’s give a little credit for some of the cool stuff you own! And however you come, love … Read More

Tell Me How You REALLY Feel

Sol Reflection

Y’all, I freaking LOVE waking up to emails from you about my newsletters & other free content. This was one of my recent faves (with my reactions inserted in parenthesis): Hi there!! I love your newsletter and online content!! (I’m so glad!!) I was listening to this We Can Do Hard Things (Glennon Doyle she’s … Read More

You ARE Beautiful, I Promise

Sol Reflection

My favorite sticker comes from a Chicago-based company you-are-beautiful.com whose mission is to “be a positive force and transmit a simple idea: Everyone deserves to feel good with who they are.” I give these stickers as gifts and have stuck it on my laptop right over the computer’s brand logo because it’s a powerful message … Read More

Dressing by Default

Sol Reflection

I had an AMAZING conversation with a prospective client last week. She articulated EXACTLY what she wanted to get out of our time together. As she was talking, I thought this is what I want for ALL my clients, always. And I made a little video out of it. This is what my prospective client … Read More

You Can Do it Too!

Sol Reflection

Last week I was featured on Patrick Casale’s podcast, “All Things Private Practice” where he interviewed me about leaving my cushy but terribly confining government job to start my own business as The Fashion Therapist. Hint: It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. You will want to listen to this podcast if: You’re dying … Read More