I posted a video chalk full of images from a photoshoot I did in Chicago with photographer Rose Kaz.
The video used the words “are you valuing yourself at a 10?” I want to clarify that our value is NOT based on a number, social ranking or cost of our clothes. It’s simply not numerical.
The audio was also asking us if we value ourselves at all OR do we feel less than, especially when comparing ourselves to others.
Are you using a rating system for yourself? Maybe even subconsciously? I hear about comparisons as a way of deciding if we’re better or worse than someone else. Not only does this hurt us but it also objectifies others.
And I know you all are morally opposed to the idea of human objectification.
So protect what is truly valuable – (Hint: IT’S YOU). Protecting your time, space, intelligence and your body helps you value yourself in all ways, always.
Here’s more from my recent photoshoot! I walked myself through the styling journey I walk my branding clients through. In this process they transform internally and externally, like a “coming out” process for who they truly are and who they are becoming. And I did it too!
I’ve got mad respect for the bravery of my clients to organize massive photoshoots, showing up through what they wear in new & notable ways. Y’all are amazing!!
Many of my branding clients do this work with the help of Jordan Duvall of @igniteyoursoulbrand. Be on the lookout for our next Magnetic Brand launch. I’m the stylist!