Ok, forget the naked part. That was just to get you to read my blog 😃.
I went dancing with a friend a few weeks ago. I was OBSESSED with the outfits! It was the most unapologetically dressed crew I’ve seen in a while. Even though the party had a theme – “80’s & 90’s” – everyone had their own unique look. No censoring.
AND no one seemed to be looking around comparing themselves to anyone else. It was magical and so refreshing!
My hope is that you get moments like this in your life. Times when what you wear looks good and feels good, but is also the last thing you think about. Your clothes should be so totally and unapologetically comfortable, and so very you, that you get to enjoy yourself to the moon and back whatever you’re doing.
If that feels too hard right now, fake it ‘til you make it babes! The more you wear what you want, the more comfortable you will be wearing what you want.
You’ve got this.