I told you couldn’t help it 😘.
First, I want to clarify something. Self-love is an overused term that includes shit that’s goofy, unsustainable, and full of privilege.
Then what does it look like to find love for yourself?
It’s an intimate process that you’ve got to do alone. You can always get love from friends, family & partners; but if that’s it, I doesn’t stick.
Getting quiet enough to hear your own voice can and will l lead to positive thoughts and amazing outfits. I promise!
The question I want you to ask yourself is: What would I wear if no one was looking?
*Hot tip* We think everyone’s looking at us but in fact, very few people are.
If that’s true, why not wear whatever you want?!
Here’s the equation:
- Private thoughts eventually lead to positive beliefs about yourself
- Positive beliefs lead to confidence
- Confidence leads to feeling comfortable in your body – JUST AS IT IS
- Comfort leads to expansiveness
- Expansiveness leads to knowing exactly what you want
- Knowing what you want leads to DOING what you want
- And that leads to amazing outfits full of pieces you’ve wished you could wear for a long time
You deserve it 💛.