If you hate birthdays, sub in another holiday or just trash this message. 😆

Last week I got to travel with Adam KID FREE FOR 5 DAYS to Portland & a wedding in Eugene. OMG it was divine.

But this email isn’t about my 5-day-long date with my husband, it’s about what we wore.

I bought a dress during COVID that I wanted to wear for my birthday. We didn’t have places to go during COVID and it also didn’t fit postpartum. This year it looked great and the wedding was on my birthday!  🎉

I visioned the outfit for months, searching for the right pieces to make the look (note: you have to try this shoe brand – I thought I’d never wear heels like this again post-baby). 

The morning of our flight out, I tried the whole look one last time.

My first thought was “Omg, I look goofy. This is too much.” Being bold can be a stretch for me too at times. 

I couldn’t shake the thought so I asked my mom & Adam, “Is it bad? Am I going to be that girl? The one who’s too over-the-top?” 

My mom loved it and Adam replied, “You’ve always wanted to be that girl. And you’ve made me promise to push you out of your comfort zone. Plus, it’s your birthday!!” 

I packed the outfit with no alternatives. 😬 I was relying on it being my birthday to give myself permission, and Adam was the DJ, so we both had reasons to be extra. 

But what if we didn’t need special permission? Especially in this case, because nobody was gonna know it was my birthday anyways.

What if we all had the courage to dress like we’re celebrating something special on any day, at any time??

One thing is we’d have a lot more fun getting dressed. And the clothes you’ve been saving for a “special occasion” that never seems to come around (ahem…collecting dust with), would finally get their time to shine! You’d get your money’s worth for what you bought, you’d feel great in your outfit, and you’d be a bright light for all of us!

Can you commit this week to take one day and dress like it’s your birthday!? I did and it felt amazing.