Let me tell you about all the trends and why you must stay on top of them.
Just kidding. 😊
However, I’ll tell you what I do believe in when it comes to trends.
They can be short-lived, but they also come back around. We see past versions of ourselves in stores and on younger folx.
Personally, I loved the return of the 70’s. My mom flourished in low-slung bell bottoms and handkerchief tops. Wearing those styles I was connected to a part of her life she loved and that I only knew through stories.
And OH MY GOSH, I wish I could show you the VHS of me and my friend at 11 years old stomping through the house with bras glued to signs chanting “Free the boobies! Burn the bras!” We didn’t have boobs, but the cause clearly mattered to us. 😆
Read: I’ve been promoting the liberation of our bodies since I was a girl. You’re welcome.
Trends are a reflection of the times we live in through the lens of artists and designers.
And while trends are driven by consumer culture, they’re also cultur-al. They help us connect to people who may share similar interests and values to us.
I believe in wearing clothes that reflect who you truly are, not who you’re told to be. I also firmly believe in appreciating the artistry of fashion and the community it creates.
So play in the space of trends, or not. But know they’re not all bad nor intended solely to support capitalism. Use clothes to connect to your ancestors, past parts of yourself, and generally to bring us closer to one another.
Enjoy Getting Dressed, xo