Creating a New Transformation Through Style and What You Wear
Marisol discusses the intersection between style and healing at a cellular level with Dr Lulu and how to set intentions for 2021 through what we wear.
Marisol and Adam Colette presented their “Reading Aloud” Podcast live at the Whitefire Theater, in Sherman Oaks, California.
Marisol Colette is a guest on the Abundance Practice Podcast addressing the topic of Online Somatic Experiencing.
Marisol Colette, The Fashion Therapist, is interviewed on
Laura Juarez interviews Therapeutic Image Consultant Marisol Colette on the Pure Potential Podcast.
Marisol Collete
Marisol Colette, a therapeutic image consultant, is profiled in Know Magazine.
Reading Aloud – Marisol & Adam Colette
Marisol Colette and her husband Adam discuss the concept of reading aloud to help create deeper connection in relationships and community.
Body positivity gains traction in Asheville
Asheville style expert Marisol Colette is quoted about her personal theory about sharing photos on social media.
Cleared for Profit – Marisol Colette
Business mentor Emma Churchman interviews Marisol Colette, a pioneer in therapeutic image consulting, on the podcast, “Truth Talk for Conscious Entrepreneurs.”
Episode 047: Enneagram 8 with Marisol Colette
Therapeutic image consultant Marisol Colette is interviewed by Brave Radio.