I came across a meme that’s stuck with me. It said: “New Year, New You”—but crossed out “New You” and replaced it with “More You!”
We often start the year driven by outside voices telling us what we should strive for. But these all-or-nothing goals make the stakes impossibly high, leaving little room for success and lots of room for epic disappointment.
What if you scratched out the socially-driven goal and just made it your goal to BE MORE YOU – vibrantly, authentically, beautifully you.
It’s incredible to see this transformation when clients embrace where they are now while planning for the future.
HEAR THAT? Embracing exactly where you are now while simultaneously looking toward where you want to be.
Envision it.
A client in Scotland is writing a book with the goal of speaking about it on a stage. Together, we curated an outfit for her future vision–one that makes her feel motivated and confident to be on stage. This outfit hangs in her closet as a daily reminder of her future.
Another client felt so incredible in the styling I did for her branding & marketing photoshoot, that she had the courage to apply for a TEDx talk–knowing she already had the perfect outfit (a major obstacle for many)—and she got the spot!!
The common thread? Don’t wait for a “perfect” future version of yourself. Together we take the steps for you to feel confident now, and the results– transformational.
It’s easy to let the new year become a quest to be someone you’re not. This year, I challenge you to do it differently. Drop the wanna-be-version and focus on being more of yourself, just as you are.
If you want to wear clothes that drive you toward your future self–whether it’s a Mini Monthly Style Session (if you want to know more about these mini sessions, drop your name here) or a Full Style Transformation, let me know–I’ll write you back with answers to your questions 😉.
Here’s to re-starting the year with confidence and purpose! 💛
Photo styled by Sol Reflection and photographed by Rose Kaz for former brand, Epitage