I’m writing to you on the birthday of best friend from high school. Best friend doesn’t really capture Zöe’s role in my life. First Soulmate is a better name.

I learned about her death last September. She and I took different paths after high school and officially lost touch in 2022.

I remember what she wore to freshman orientation and on the first day of school (I remember what all of my soon-to-be friends wore that first week – it’s a thing).

Orientation: Zöe had chin-length dark brown hair, parted in the middle and crimped, a thrifted yellow Boy Scouts shirt I later inherited, earth-toned striped corduroy bell bottoms, and black patent-leather sparkle Airwalks.

First day of school: Her hair was straight and parted down the middle. She wore a black tank top, a black stretchy knee-length skirt with a mesh laundry bag cut off at the knee over top, a piece of leather that became a signature accessory tied around her upper arm, and a single silver earring.

She was a divine weirdo and I knew right away she would see my weirdo and love it too.

And she did. Zöe loved me all the time, no matter what I wore, how I looked, or how I acted. Instead of just seeing the surface me, she saw my soul and celebrated every way that I reflected myself out in the world, without ever a single judgement.

From a societal viewpoint, I didn’t “meet the mark.” I had cystic acne, I wasn’t thin, I was sensitive, bold, loud, and I spoke before I thought. But she helped me feel confident and in turn, I leaned into my cuteness. I had pink hair, wore whatever I wanted, and was able to be completely and authentically me without insecurity or censorship.

We all need someone who gives us unconditional acceptance, loving us no matter the circumstances.

I don’t know how many people you have who offer this to you, but this is exactly what I do for my clients. I listen deeply and create space for you to explore the most authentic versions of yourself through what you wear and how you want to show up in the world.

When you are unapologetically you, your life expands beyond your wildest imagination. Don’t just take it from me, read what my clients have said about authenticity & feeling seen.

Marta the Medium

“Marisol is a professional and caring personal stylist who can represent one’s soul and heart through the choice of clothes and accessories. She is tapped into her intuition and leads with kindness, empowering women to feel well in their bodies, having fun and being playful with their outfits. I truly enjoyed my experience of working with Marisol. I felt heard and listened to.”

Marta, Edinburgh, Scotland


Amy Worthy

“Working with Marisol is like working with your most honest, loyal and caring best friend–you’re that comfortable with her that immediately. Her years as a therapist and stylist make her ideally suited for this work. Marisol changed my life–if that sounds dramatic to you, you just haven’t worked with her yet!  

Amy Worthy, Asheville, NC



Yvette Dubel

“I used to relate to The Ugly Duckling, but Marisol has made me feel like I can embody the swan version of myself. I never thought she could help me transform from the outside in, but she taught me to not look at my clothes as something to hide behind. Instead of hiding my beauty, I use my clothes a way to shine my light.”

Yvette Dubell, California



Zach Shackelford

“I feel confident in the way I look. I was so worried about losing myself in this process, feeling like I was trying to project someone who wasn’t me. But I truly feel like I have found myself!”


Zachary Shackelford, North Carolina


Thanks for letting me share about Zöe. She was truly the best. She was really big for this world, an artist who 100% drew outside the lines, and when I dreamt about her after finding out about her death, she was happy again and free.